Microsoft SQL 2008

SQL Server 2008 exceeds dependability requirements and provides innovative capabilities that does increase employee effectiveness, integrate heterogeneous IT ecosystems, and maximise the capital and operating budgets.

With the cheapest implementation and maintenance costs in the industry, SQL Server 2008 delivers quick return on your data management investment. SQL Server 2008 supports the quick development of enterprise-class business applications that can give your company a serious competitive advantage.

Installing SQL 2008 Server

Web Hosting —> Hosting Accounts —> Edit Hosting Account —> SQL Server —> Install SQL Database —> Select Subscription —> Install SQL Database

To install SQL server, first you must go to the SQL page for the account where you want to install a database. If a database is not installed, click on ‘Install SQL Server’. You will be introduced with a page with pricing options, the ability to enter a unique password for the SQL database. Note the password cannot be the same as the account’s main password for control panel and FTP access. Click on “Install SQL Server” to perform the installation. Note that your database name is the same as your account’s username that it’s been installed under.

Using SQL Server

To connect to SQL server from enterprise manager, simply create a new Server registration aiming to,5000. Note the ,5000 must be designated since we do not run our SQL server on the standard TCP port for improved security means. Enter your SQL username and password. You should then select your database from the list provided where you can configure and edit tables, stored procedures and views accordingly.

To connect to your SQL server from your ASP scripts you have to use a DSNless connection script, since DSNless is more efficient and avoids the need for a registry lookup unlike an ODBC DSN connection. A suitable connection string would be as follows:

“Provider=SQLOLEDB; Data,5000; Initial Catalog=Your account username;
User ID=username; Password=PASSWORD; Network Library=dbmssocn;”

In summary the connection credentials you need to be aware of are:

Username Account username
Password Database password (selected when you created the database)
Port Number 5000

Changing SQL Password

Web Hosting —> Hosting Accounts —> Edit Hosting Account —> SQL Server —> Change SQL Server Password

If you need a password change for your SQL database, simply click on the SQL server page in the Account Edit facility. If SQL has been installed, an option to change the password will be offered to you. Once the action has been implemented, it is an instant change, so you will need to edit any server scripts and update them with the new password in their connection string in order for them to continue to function as you need.

Removing SQL Server

Web Hosting —> Hosting Accounts —> Edit Hosting Account —> SQL Server —> Remove SQL Server

To take away SQL server from an account, click on the SQL Server link from the Account Edit’s page. You will be presented with an option to either change the password or remove the SQL database. Once you have removed the Database, all contents and data will be erased from the system and you will not be able to restore it. No refunds can be provided once SQL has been removed and should you need or want to install SQL Server again, you will need to pay the respective charge as needed.